viernes, 13 de junio de 2008

Essay 1 Final Draft

“The Othello’s Mastermind”

The reason for me to choose this title for this essay is based in Iago the “most important” character in the play named Othello, The Moor of Venice wrote by William Shakespeare in 1603. This character is the ancient of Othello’s army and he is drive by envy, ambition and revenge, because he doesn’t was promoted to rank of lieutenant. This makes him develops a master plan with the help of Rodrigo (in love with Desdemona) in where his primary target was to destroy Othello life and to control Michael Occasio that was the new lieutenant. Another important thing that motives me to analyze and comment about Iago is because he is the one that maintain the action and the play interesting. Here we will use as examples the movies that we sew in the class about the play to have a better understanding of the things that Iago do to poison Othello’s mind. So, the focus of this essay is to argue about the steps that take Iago to develop is master plan of destruction.

The first thing that Iago do to start shaping his evil plan is the alliance he made with Rodrigo. This alliance is produced by love that Rodrigo have for Desdemona, which is Othello’s wife. In Act 1 we see the first attempt of Iago and Rodrigo to destroy Othello by reveling to Branbantio (Desdemona father) that Othello is marrying her daughter in secret. This action was quite intelligent in the way that Iago uses Rodrigo to send the message of the secret wedding to Branbantio and by doing this he is protecting himself and almost gets rid off of Othello. At the same time Othello and Desdemona find the way to convince his father and the Duke of Venice to continue with they relationship.

Later on Iago uses a different strategy to harm Othello that is using Michael Cassio (Othello’s Lieutenant) reputation of being a ladies man to make Othello think that Cassio and Desdemona were having an affair. This tactic was the beginning of the end, because these start poisoning the reason and judgment of Othello’s mind. At this moment of the play Iago as gain a lot of confidence and trust from Othello. This was crucial for Iago success, because know Othello believes every single word that he said. The climax of Iago plan is when he is talking with Othello in the prison of the castle and Cassio appear and Othello hide in a prison cell. Iago in a lower tone say to the ear of Michael something about Bianca (Cassio lover) and Cassio say in high tone the things that they do in their intimacy. Othello listening to this he believes that Cassio is talking about Desdemona. Here Othello finally lose is mind and make a pact with Iago in where they going to kill Desdemona and Cassio. At the end Desdemona, Rodrigo, Othellos and Iago are dead by this evil plan.

Conclusion = in contruction!

1 comentario:

Maritza Ramos dijo...

Although the essay is not completely redacted I understand that is very well developed because every act that you describes supports your thesis statement. I understand that essay is very interesting and I will hope read the essay when you finished it. Finally I think that the title of the essay should be Iago's Mastermind because when I read the title I think that you talk about Othello but the true you wrote about Iago.